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Spirit Week Brings out Sundevil Pride

September 26th, 2022

Crazy, colorful costumes and good-natured competitions between Lions and Unicorns abounded during Sandia Prep’s Spirit Week. A long-standing, favorite fall tradition, Spirit Week brings students, teachers, and the community together.

From students dressing as their favorite teachers and teachers dressing as students to color day -- where each grade level dresses in its assigned colors -- Lions and Unicorns competed for points, pride, and a trophy. 

All grade levels competed in the annual Lions vs. Unicorns Goodwill Drive, sponsored by the Helping Hands Community Service Group. Money raised from each full donation bin is used to buy shoes for local elementary school students in need. 

Over the weekend, upper school students dug into s’mores and revelry with a parking lot bonfire, karaoke, and a Homecoming Dance. Middle schoolers had their own dance on the Quad.

The week culminated with Sundevil Saturday, when Prep hosted volleyball and soccer tournaments. Everyone enjoyed a free barbecue and entertainment on the Quad.