Saunders Library
Sandia Prep’s Saunders Library offers a vast array of resources to encourage and promote research and information literacy both within and outside the classroom. Students and their families can take advantage of the library’s special collections, information technology, and online databases.
Collection & Databases
Sundevils have full access to The Albuquerque Journal on a daily basis, monthly national and local magazines, including New Mexico Magazine and Scientific American, and parents have online access from home to the same full-text databases, including National Geographic Archive and the Los Alamos Research Database.
Studying & Staff
The library offers welcoming collaborative workspaces and quiet study areas, plus a highly experienced staff ready and willing to lend their expertise to any project.
- Volumes: 20,733
- The Albuquerque Journal: Weekdays and Sunday
- Periodicals: 18 physical and thousands available online via databases
- eBooks: Accessible via card catalog or online
All databases available online via the PrepNet Portals
- AccessScience
- EBSCO (including Historical Reference, Magill on Literature, Points of View)
- Gale Group InfoTrac, including Smithsonian and Air and Space from 1970 - present
- Los Alamos Research Database (declassified papers)
- National Geographic Archive (videos and print back to 1888)
- Newsbank (American newspapers back to 1690 and many more)
- Noodle Tools (bibliography software
- Salem Press Primary Sources
Library Technology & online tools
- 20 drop-in desktop computers available for students and teachers
- 40 laptops for class use
- 2 dedicated card catalog computers
- 1 copier/color printer (free printing)
- 2 multi-touch LED interactive SMART boards for teaching and training