Sandia Prep Strategic Vision - Our Future Starts Today

Sandia Prep has always been known for its strong sense of community, which comes from the relationships forged in the community. We know—and research tells us—that these nurturing relationships are the foundation upon which our students thrive in academics, athletics, and the arts. This dependable foundation empowers our students to have an impact in our community and beyond, not just in the future but today.

Over the course of my first year at Sandia Prep, I immersed myself in conversations with faculty, staff, trustees, families, and, most importantly, students. These conversations led to the formation of a Vision and Strategy Team made up of administrators, trustees, faculty, and, most importantly, students. This team dove into a strategic visioning process, using input from multiple stakeholders to develop priorities that will guide us as we establish Sandia Prep as a pioneer in education that demonstrates the direct link between relationships and academic and personal success. We know that students are able to realize their full potential, achieve new levels of success, and be fully prepared for their future when they feel connected to their community.

Through these priorities, we will equip our students with the skills and qualities to create joyful moments and tackle challenging obstacles. In our nearly 60-year history, we have always prepared our students to be accepted to and thrive at colleges and universities around the country and internationally. While we will continue to do this, our focus will be on ensuring our students thrive each day through authentic learning experiences, opportunities for connection, and beautiful, inspiring spaces.

This is an exciting time in Sandia Prep’s history. Our vision builds upon our legacy and will impact our students now and for generations to come. I am honored to be a part of this moment and look forward to what the future holds.

Heather B. Mock
Head of School







Priority One: Reinforcing Relationships


Reimagine time, place, and programming to maximize the impact of relationships in the educational process.

Sandia Prep will:

  • Enhance and redesign schedules to optimize learning opportunities for authentic, relationship-based work.

  • Develop a comprehensive campus plan that creates flexible, welcoming spaces that inspire our community.
  • Put in place comprehensive programming that supports holistic development.
  • Invest in a multiplicity of voices, ideas, and approaches, therefore strengthening Prep’s ability to advance knowledge, promote understanding, and shape our student leaders.
“The connections I've made here have really helped me grow as a person. My peers and teachers have pushed me to think outside the box and pursue my passions.”
– Charlotte Vigil ' 26






Create an interconnected environment in which each community member thrives and has an indispensable role.

Sandia Prep will:

  • Establish and formalize student leadership programs and opportunities.
  • Cultivate an environment in which every voice is heard and valued.
  • Develop education opportunities for our entire community.
  • Create experiences for educators outside of the Prep community to learn the Prep way.

“I chose Prep for my child because of its community of wholeness and its commitment to fostering deep and authentic understanding.” 
– Lisa Garcia, parent






Redefine the Prep experience to maximize immediate impact.

Sandia Prep will:

  • Integrate service learning into curriculum and develop opportunities for community service at all levels.
  • Create an environment in which teachers act as guides and support in an effort to increase student voice and choice.
  • Expand opportunities for deep and authentic understanding, including inquiry-based, project-based, and problem-based learning.
  • Establish strategic partnerships with educational institutions, businesses, and nonprofits to expand our presence in the larger community.

“Being involved in community service has taught me the importance of giving back and making a difference, not just in the future, but right here and now.” 
– Tanner Mack '30