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Sora Wondra

Sora Wondra

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Favorite Book
My favorite book is called "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini and it helped me better understand all of the shortcuts our brains use to understand the world (and how sometimes marketers or others can use these to their advantage). It features my favorite combination of historical examples and psychological concepts and it's the most frequent book gift I've given to friends.

What's your secret skill or something people might be surprised to learn about you?
I am a serious hiker and backpacker--I love to be in the outdoors. Being out in nature has a calming influence and helps me reconnect with myself and the world around me.

What do you enjoy most about Sandia Prep?
Sandia Prep has such an amazing focus on helping students build critical thinking, and that is something that has always been important in my classes. For me, history isn't about moving through facts, it's about trying to uncover clues and understand why things happened the way they did.

Year Joined Prep


Total Years Experience


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