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Spirit Week Brings Sundevils Together

September 23rd, 2024

Crazy, colorful costumes and good-natured competitions between Lions and Unicorns abounded during Sandia Prep’s Spirit Week. A long-standing, favorite fall tradition, Spirit Week brings students, teachers, and the community together.

From "Inside Out Day," to "Character Day," to "Color Day"-- where each grade level dresses in its assigned colors -- students, faculty, and staff fully embraced each day's theme as Lions and Unicorns competed for points, pride, and a trophy. 

Middle schoolers had a get-together in the Russell Student Center on Friday night, while upper school students had their Homecoming dance on Saturday night.

The community was invited to an inaugural Homecoming Tailgate at the Durán Family Track and Soccer Stadium.

The week culminated with Sundevil Saturday, when Prep hosted volleyball and soccer tournaments. The Sundevil Athletics Organization (SAO) provided sandwiches and snacks for Sundevil athletes, visiting teams, Prep alumni, and Sandia Prep families.