Giving Events

Throughout the school year, Sandia Prep provides several opportunities for giving via fundraising, service, donations, and celebrations. These charitable events are part of the School’s financial well-being.

Grandparents' Day

Every fall, Prep’s students honor their grandparents or grandfriends on Grandparents’ Day. Our students spend the day touring their guests around campus, inviting them to participate in a number of classes and activities. The faculty and staff diligently showcase the School’s latest, pioneering curricular and extracurricular options and also present our tried-and-true arts and academic offerings. The day ends with lunch for everyone. By engaging our family and friends each year in this way, we reaffirm our sense of community and pay our respects to those grandparents and grandfriends whose time and energy contributed to our students attending Prep in the first place.


Sandia Prep TopGolf Extravaganza

At the start of every school year, the annual Sandia Prep golf event provides a fantastic opportunity for gift-giving, community-building, and fun! The hugely successful fundraiser draws a number of parents, alumni, and faculty. The competitiveness between teams only seems to help draw out their generosity. The event's funds go directly to Prep's Annual Fund. Volunteer efforts of Prep community members at the tournament also remind us of our entrenched spirit of service.


Noche de Celebración

In alternating spring semesters, Sandia Prep combines fundraising with a party-like atmosphere at our biennual gala Noche de Celebración. The evening is well-attended by Prep parents, alum, and community members who participate in auctions on a number of gifts, art items, travel packages, and much more –  all for the sole purpose of raising money for the School and its students. Noche 2024 will take place on Saturday, April 27 at Sandia Resort and Casino. Click here for details.



Every November, we participate in the global event known as GivingTuesday. On this day, the Prep community comes together to collectively support the programs and people that are meaningful to us. Parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty, and staff can participate in four different gift options: Thank a Teacher or Coach, Support a Program or Team, Join the Lion vs. Unicorn Challenge, or help raise funds for our Transformative Technologies Initative. Over the years, hundreds of thank-you cards and donations have been sent, thousands of dollars in program support, and of course, many gifts in support of Lions and Unicorns. Click here to support GivingTuesday.


Spring Giving Week

This one-week campaign is an opportunity for all of us to show our support for the students, faculty, and programs we care about most at Prep. Every gift helps a Sandia Prep student. And every gift counts toward our $850,000 annual fundraising efforts, which seek to enhance every aspect of the student experience.


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